Welcome to Wisconsin Working Stock Dog ASSOCIATION
Since its incorporation on March 17, 1983, The Wisconsin Working Stock Dog Association (WWSDA) has grown to serve members from across the Midwest United States. Its core mission is to advance the interests of working stock dogs and those who breed, train, and partner with them in farm work, recreation, and competitions.
Since 1986 the WWSDA has staged an annual sheepdog trial that has become one of the premier competitions in the nation. The Annual WWSDA Trial is currently held over Labor Day weekends near Hudson, Wisconsin.
The organization also puts on an annual indoor sheep and cattle herding clinic the first weekend in February, with world famous trainer Jack Knox.
Through its member relations, bi-monthly newsletter, Facebook page and this web site, the club encourages and supports clinics, competitions of various kinds, and other activities for the advancement of stock dogs.
AUGUST 28 - SEPT 1, 2025
USBCHA Sanctioned Nursery & Open will be offered. Visit our event page for more information as it becomes available.
SEPT 5-7, 2025
The trial will be held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival. Head on out for family fun and watch a sheep herding trial while you’re there. You can visit our event page for more information.
New this year: Booth at Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival September 5-7.
Entries open July 4 - Aug 8th
Entry form to come
Contact: Jeff Seeger (330) 352-7587 or Samantha Jones (715) 305-1881
When considering buying sheep, one should address some fundamental questions. Some of these questions include: Why do I want sheep? What kind of sheep are desired? How many sheep are wanted? What is the budget available? Where can sheep be purchased? The remainder of this article will be devoted to answering these and other questions.